About Us

About On-Line Data

On-Line Data mailing services and postal pre-sortOn-Line Data operates in its South Bend, Indiana 27,000 square foot facility. We do the work, You save the money!

Our Multi-Line Optical Character Reader (MLOCR) machines read and validate addresses, spray on barcodes and sort mail at the rate of 24,000 pieces per hour per machine. Utilizing these MLOCR state-of-the-art machines with advanced computer technology we are able to process high volumes of business mail for the United States Postal Service every day in the South Bend Facility.

What this means to our clients is faster delivery, lower postage costs, convenience and, in most instances, a reduction in internal mail processing time. On-Line Data is developing and implementing a new quality management program called MPTQM. Combined with the joint effort of the National Association of Presort Mailers (NAPM) and the United States Postal Service (USPS), the program includes aspects of the Malcom Baldridge Criteria and ISO 9000. This provides benefits to our presort customers by offering even faster acceptance times by the USPS and maintains a much tighter mail quality standard than ever before.

If you have questions regarding our MPTQM implementation or any other facet of the quality control programs we're committed to in the 21st century, contact us at (574) 237-0087.